Why You Need a Ghost Gun

From our good friend and survival expert, Dr. Rich:

I remember when I first started out along the road of survival, many years ago. One of the first things I bought was a gun. I realize that doesn’t match up with what you read in a lot of books, nor does it really match the normal priorities for survival. But to me, at least, there’s no doubt that a gun is a useful thing to have in a survival situation. That’s especially true in an urban survival situation, where one has to protect themselves from the two-legged predators.

Ghost gun Ar-15

Of course, that’s the opposite of what the liberals want everyone to believe. As far as they are concerned, anyone who has a gun has to be a criminal. So, they want to take guns away from us and will keep trying until they succeed. Then, the only ones who will have guns will be the criminals, both in and out of government service.

Unless you’ve bought your guns privately, there are records of those gun sales. The law requires that federally licensed gun sellers maintain records of every gun they sell. While the federal government is supposedly denied the right to compile a list of gun owners, I’d be willing to bet that they have one. Besides, all they have to do is ask, and the gun shop owners are required to let them have their records.

All the government has to do is start knocking on doors and confiscating guns. Those records make it easy. While there are many of us who say that they’ll have to pry our guns out of our cold dead hands, I have to wonder how many will really fight it out, when they are outnumbered by better armed forces.

Of course, there is a way to have guns that are off the grid and that the federal government doesn’t know about; that’s to build them yourself. There is no law that says that you, as a private citizen, have to register a gun that you built yourself. That gun would be totally off the books, a “ghost gun.” Even if federal agents knocked on your door with a list of all the guns you’ve purchased, they won’t have those guns on it.

That’s why I built my own AR-15. This is perfectly legal, by the way. You see, the law places more restrictions on gun manufacturers than it does on private citizens. They have to put serial numbers on them and keep records of them, you and I don’t.

The key here is a technicality of the law. The law defines that guns are serial numbered. Since a gun is made of a number of parts, they define the part which gets the serial number as the frame, as a gun can’t work without a frame. In the case of the AR-15 and some other military-looking rifles, the frame is the lower receiver. Legally, that part is the gun and everything else is just parts.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. For a frame to legally be considered a gun, it has to be more than 80% completed. That means, if you can get your hands on an AR-15 lower receiver or a 1911 frame, that are only 80% complete, they won’t have serial numbers engraved in them.

Remember now, this is perfectly legal. There are a number of companies who provide what are known as 80% lower receivers and a couple that provide 80% 1911 frames. You can even find lower receivers for a few guns that preceded the AR-15. As is, they aren’t usable in a gun, but they can be made usable by anyone with the right tools and some patience.


To turn an 80% lower receiver into a usable lower receiver for building an AR-15, you have to machine out the trigger group pocket, make the trigger hole and drill the holes for the selector switch and two pins. While accuracy is important, the level of accuracy isn’t as high as it would be for the magazine well or the rails where the bolt carrier slides. This machining can be done at home.

One other thing that’s required to make this legal is that you have to do all the work yourself. You can’t hire someone or even get your buddy who is a machinist to do it. You’ll need to do all the work. But, like I said, it’s not that hard if you’re fairly handy with tools.

Of course, a completed AR-15 lower receiver or 1911 frame isn’t a complete weapon. Once you have that part done, you’ll have to buy all the rest of the parts to turn it into a complete gun. But those parts are readily available and none of them have serial numbers. So, they are easy to buy and are not tracked by the sellers.

So, what do you think? Don’t you really need to have a ghost gun given the current state of the U.S.?

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