Rob here with Patriot Privacy and the Self-Reliance Institute.
When I send emails to my personal friends that contain information I believe they need to know immediately, I mark them A MUST-READ.
That’s why I did the same with this email alert to you today.
I believe the information contained in an article I came across last night is the type of information you must read today.
Interestingly, when I mentioned it to some folks I was having coffee with this morning, not one of this well-informed group had heard about this bacteria. And one of the guys was on the way to a doctor’s appointment this morning.
So I’m going to make this email short and ask that you immediately click and read, “Dangerous infections now spreading outside hospitals.”
If my asking is not enough, here is a bit of the information contained in the article and I hope it encourages you to read the entire article and share it with your friends and family. I’ve added some bolding and underlining to key parts.
“Life-threatening infections caused by bacteria called Clostridium difficile now sicken nearly half a million Americans a year, health officials said Wednesday.
“The number of these infections — which can cause “deadly diarrhea” and damage to the colon — doubled between 2000 and 2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“In 2011, about 29,000 patients with the bacteria, also known as C. difficile or C. diff, died within a month of becoming sick, according to a CDC study published Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine. One out of three of these infections occurs in people 65 and older. People 65 and older also account for most deaths. …
“More than 80% of patients who pick up C. diff outside of hospitals had visited outpatient doctor’s or dentist’s offices in the previous 12 weeks, according to the CDC. The bacteria are hardy and can live on bed linens, bathroom fixtures and medical equipment, according to the CDC. …
“’The numbers are pretty striking,’ says Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who wasn’t involved in the new study. ‘A substantial number of cases are occurring in people who have never been to a hospital.’
“Healthy people also can develop C. diff infections after taking antibiotics for illnesses as mild as urinary tract infections or bronchitis, says the CDC’s Fernanda Lessa, the study’s lead author.”
OK. Please read and share the entire article. It’s amazing to me that far less deadly viruses and diseases get so much attention, while almost no one has heard about this bacteria.
As I told my friends at coffee this morning, of all the threats that exist in the world today, I believe it will be a super-bug (a virus or other disease) that will cause the greatest loss of life in the foreseeable future.
I’m not saying that’s what this is, but I do think we need to be aware that for many reasons these super-bugs are multiplying and mutating and I think it’s only a matter of time until one causes a deadly, global epidemic.
What do you think? Email me at [email protected]
Be safe, secure and free!
Rob Douglas – Former Washington DC Private Detective
PS – I often wonder if I’m too sensitive to these issues because my mother became infected with bacteria while in a hospital. The resulting damage negatively impacted her for the rest of her life. I’d hate to see other folks suffer the way she did. And I know many do because of poor sanitation in too many hospitals and doctor offices. Thanks for letting me rant!
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