Quiz: What is the ONE tool Special Forces operatives never leave behind?

Fellow American,

What is the ONE tool US Special Forces operatives never leave behind?

Our Special Forces troops use a huge variety of weapons.  They use small tactical weapons for close quarters combat.  They’ll use long-range sniper rifles and high caliber machine guns when keeping their distance is key to survival.

But what is the ONE THING they always, always keep on their belt no matter what the mission is?



This is the SAME KNIFE Navy Seals, Army Rangers, and dozens of other Special Forces teams are using at this very moment to protect our freedom.


The knife has some really cool stuff included:

  • Ultra-sharp serrated and pointed blade so you can cut through ANYTHING
  • Compact LED light is really bright and adjustable so you don’t need to carry a flashlight too
  • Rapid release clip for easy carrying
  • Spring assisted opening to so you can have it ready FAST
  • Glass breaker handle for emergencies
  • Belt cutter in case you’re trapped in behind a seat belt
  • Weighted, solid handle with Special Forces insignia

As someone who knows survival and self-reliance, you know in a crisis the difference between life and death is A) having the right tools at your disposal and B) being able to use those tools quickly and efficiently.

This tool can do about 100 different jobs, and you can carry it in your pocket without anyone else ever noticing.  Honestly, this powerful knife can replace about 5 tools in your go bag or your pickup truck.

And its FREE TODAY ONLY for checking out the Self-Reliance Institute.

Go now, before they sell out!

Chris Peterson

Freedom Writers Publishing
1815 Central Park Dr. #358
Steamboat Springs, CO  80487

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