Ebola Update – Airborne Transmission

A little more than a week ago, before the first Ebola case in the United States was revealed, I wrote an Alert cautioning that while Ebola may never be a serious threat to the U.S., it would be smart to be prepared.

Of course, as you receive this Alert, we now know that Ebola has entered the U.S. In fact, there are already more than 100 reports of patients with Ebola-like symptoms across the country.

Still, the Obama administration is scrambling and attempting to convince everyone that Ebola is not a major threat to the U.S.

And while no one should panic or be unnecessarily alarmed, I continue to believe – even more so now – that we all need to be prepared in case Ebola begins to spread quickly like it has in Africa. I think the chance of that type of outbreak in the U.S. from the current strain of Ebola is slim, but it’s always better to be prepared for the worst.

As an aside, I will tell you that I personally believe the greatest threat to humanity in the coming years is a deadly virus (like Ebola) that mutates into a variation that spreads by airborne transmission.

That is not the case now, but it can happen.

But don’t take it from me. I am not a doctor or a scientist. Instead, read what the professionals – doctors and scientists who deal with these viruses – have to say.

For example, here’s a portion of a report – “Ebola in the Air? A Nightmare That Could Happen” – authored by Elizabeth Cohen, Senior Medical Correspondent for CNN.

Today, the Ebola virus spreads only through direct contact with bodily fluids, such as blood and vomit. But some of the nation’s top infectious disease experts worry that this deadly virus could mutate and be transmitted just by a cough or a sneeze. [emphasis added]

’It’s the single greatest concern I’ve ever had in my 40-year public health career,’ said Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. I can’t imagine anything in my career — and this includes HIV — that would be more devastating to the world than a respiratory transmissible Ebola virus.’ [emphasis added]

Osterholm and other experts couldn’t think of another virus that has made the transition from non-airborne to airborne in humans. They say the chances are relatively small that Ebola will make that jump. But as the virus spreads, they warned, the likelihood increases. [emphasis added]

Every time a new person gets Ebola, the virus gets another chance to mutate and develop new capabilities. Osterholm calls it ‘genetic roulette.’” [emphasis added]

Those quotes are from a mainstream doctor in a mainstream publication. They are not from some alarmist trying to spread fear and anti-government sentiment.

So my friends, I say again, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Be sure you are prepared for an extended period of quarantine within your home in case you need to ride out a virus that is spreading through your community.

I don’t believe it will be this current strain of Ebola. In fact, I pray that it won’t be this current strain of Ebola because our nation is unprepared. [See: “Dallas Ebola Case Spurs Concern about Hospital Readiness”]

However, I do believe the day will come when a deadly airborne transmissible virus spreads across the planet.

What do you think? Please email me at [email protected]

Be safe, secure and free,

Rob Douglas – Former Washington DC Private Detective

PS: When I sent my first Alert about Ebola more than a week ago, one individual (out of 30,000 who received the Alert) criticized me for including links to food and food storage products. They felt I was trying to profit off Ebola, even though I don’t receive any of the proceeds from those products. Because I am more concerned that you pay attention to the potential dangers of airborne viruses, I have not included those links this time. If you are interested, email me at [email protected] and I will send you the links.
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Steamboat Springs, CO  80487

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