Court Notice Scam is Wreaking Havoc

Rob here with Patriot Privacy and the Self-Reliance Institute.

It’s looking like 2015 will be the Year of the Scam.

If that’s the case, I will double my efforts to keep you in the know and alerted about the most dangerous scams.

Right now, the Court Notice Scam is wreaking havoc across the country. According to Cyberheist News:

Internet scammers are sending emails claiming to come from a real law firm called ‘Baker & McKenzie.’ The email states you are scheduled to appear in court and should click a link to view a copy of the court notice. The email is not from Baker & McKenzie and has no connection to the firm. It is an attempt by cyber criminals to trick you into trying to prevent a negative consequence. If you click on the link, you download and install malware.

In the recent past there have been a series of these “court appearance” malware attacks that claim to be from law firms or government entities. If you get one of these scams, do not click any links or open any attachments, delete these emails. Remember: If in doubt, throw it out!

Let me add this important fact:

At this point in time, no law firm or government agency is ever going to use email to inform you that you must appear in court. As a former private detective who served thousands of subpoenas and court orders during my career, I can tell you with absolute certainty that you will not receive a court notice by email.

So please, if you receive an email that states you must appear in court and to click on a link to see the court notice – delete the email immediately and run a malware detection program like the free edition of MalwareBytes (

Be safe, secure and free!

Rob Douglas – Former Washington DC Private Detective and Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist

Freedom Writers Publishing
1815 Central Park Dr. #358
Steamboat Springs, CO  80487

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