Our privacy expert, Rob Douglas, is working on a new book for you. In it he will cover your complete rights when confronted with the police and your rights carrying weapons.
In doing the research for that book, which should be available in about 6 weeks, he discovered a couple really good articles about concealed carry I thought you might enjoy.
The other day, TheFederalistPapers.org website posted an article that contains a good video on interacting with a police officer during a traffic stop when you are carrying a concealed handgun. It is the video that I’d first seen a few years ago.
The article, “Dos and Don’ts When Stopped by Police and Carrying a Firearm,” contains the video hosted by YouTube, “Tips When Stopped by Police and Carrying a Firearm.” The video features Lethal Force Institute’s Massad Ayoob and Guns & Ammo Host Tom Gresham.
As the article’s author notes, the video contains “blanket advice” and you should always know the laws and regulations concerning concealed carry for the state you reside or any state that you may be traveling through with a gun.
Check it out and let me know what you think. Have you been pulled over while carrying a weapon? What did you do to ensure your rights and the officer’s safety?
Looking out for your rights..
Chris, Patriot Privacy
PS: Rob sends out weekly advisories on concealed carry, gun rights, and security issues in the Self Reliance Insitute. Check it out for yourself here with a free trial and get 3 free gifts for signing up. https://www.selfrely.com/institute/
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