We asked our subscribers to tell us their survival stories. And we received a tremendous response.
Here are some of the best ones:
My husband & I were camping in a tent at a campground…and two men next to us were drunk!!! They threatened our lives verbally and also cocking their guns right outside our tent. We were so scared & had no protection…but managed to get away safely. Everyone needs some sort of protection, as even the parks aren’t safe!!! Had we stayed we may not be here today!
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I worked for the US Forest Service as a Wildlife Biologist an Range Mgmt. Specialist on 5 Nat’l Forests in NM, Idaho, Nevada and AZ. for over 32 years. Three of the forest had either Wilderness or Primitive Areas.
To complete my studies I would have to take a horse and mule and pack in for a week at a time mostly by myself. I learned a lot about surviving in these ventures but mostly about seeing God’s creations that most people don’t get to see.
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After the 2008 election, I watched with alarm the drastic changes taking place in our country. I began to worry about our future well-being, especially if there was a total collapse of the economy.I began reading everything I could on survival and made a five-year plan, divided in four categories: protection, food, water and miscellaneous.Protection: Between 2010 through 2014, I purchased two guns, a 12-gauge shotgun, ammo, and took gun safety classes.Food: purchased freeze-dried meals to feed me and my husband for a minimum of two years, heirloom tomato seeds and a seed vault to grow our own vegetables;Water: Containers for 150-gallons of fresh water, a primitive water catchment system and a Berkey water filter.Misc: Other purchases included a well-stocked first aid kit, knives, rope, and most ‘must have’ items on survival plans.My husband (71) and I (69) are now retired, and feel grateful that we were able to prepare for hard times should they come.Elaine
If was Sunday , the middle of Oct, around 800 on a beautiful Wednesday morning. I was on the 5th hole at my local golf club when I noticed a tingling feeling on my left side similar to what you feel when your arm falls asleep and then begins to awaken.It was mildly annoying but didn’t interfere with my game . Afterwards I went home, mentioned this feeling, still with me, and we wrote it off as maybe a pinched nerve. The following dayI happened to have my scheduled annual physical. my doctor recommended an mri since the feeling traveled up into my neck.Later that day I had an MRI, the results which were sent to a vascular surgeon at Stony Brook Hospital. Within a few days I was waiting in that small, sterol , steel room with my wife and sister , by now realizing that my symptoms might be worse than I had first considered. After what seemed like hours the surgeon and his team came in and proceeded to show my brain scan on the computer screen, pointing out what he referred to as a cavernous malformation in my right parietal lobe.He explained I was probably born with it and it bled, adding that my symptoms might go away or might get worse in which case surgery would be his recommendation.
We decided to go home and see what would be. Within a few days I was totally paralyzed on my left side and within a week I was in the OR awaiting surgery. I went in being unable to move. I woke up moving. After a two week stay in rehab, I relearned how to walk and regained about 50% of my normal functioning .Today( 5 months later) I am playing golf with about 90% of my body back in motion. My family and I went to hell and back. I experienced the amazing miracles of medicine that returned my life and gave me a gift of eternal gratitude and a very enhanced appreciation of life.Peter
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