Your September Patriot Privacy & Security Newsletter is here!

As an additional benefit to being a member of the Patriot Privacy and Security Society, each month you will receive a newsletter that contains all of the Patriot Privacy and Security Society Advisories and Alerts from the previous month.

This way, if you didn’t have time to review an Advisory or an Alert when it was first issued, you’ll be able to catch up on the important information it contained.

Also, each month you’ll have a single document that contains all of that valuable information that you can easily store in one place as you build an electronic or hard copy library of the newsletters.

Today, you are receiving the first issue of the Patriot Privacy and Security Society Newsletter. This issue contains all of the advisories and alerts we sent out in August.


Please take the time to catch up on any information you may have missed and save this newsletter for future reference.

Be safe and secure,

Rob Douglas

PS:  Just click on this link and wait a minute or two for the pdf to download.  Then right click on the newsletter and hit Save As to save it to your computer.

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