Dear Fellow Survivalist;
A sizeable percentage of the U.S. population lives in apartments, rather than single-family homes, and that trend seems to be rising. Yet the vast majority of information for preppers is written as if it is for people in suburbia or even living in rural areas. Yet for most apartment dwellers, the option of moving to suburbia and having the space of a single-family home isn’t possible. They’ve got to prep where they are, making the most of their situation.
This point has recently been brought to my attention by some of our readers; probably people who find themselves living in apartments, unable to rent or buy that house in suburbia. So, I’ve decided to dedicate my next few e-mails to them; sharing ideas of how to make it possible to prep, even while living in an apartment in the middle of the city.
The biggest problem with living in an apartment is lack of space. You don’t even have to be a prepper to run into this problem. But for preppers, it’s even worse. That makes it hard to find places to put your stockpile. So, let’s start by talking about what you can do to have a workable stockpile, even while living in that apartment.
The first thing I’d do is see if you can rent a larger apartment. Now, wait a minute, hear me out. From what I’ve seen, the difference in cost between a one bedroom and two bedroom apartment is usually not all that great. The same can be said for the cost difference between a two bedroom and three bedroom, if your apartment building has any three bedroom apartments available. If you can upsize, then by all means do, but you’ll probably still have a space problem.
The key then, is to use your available space the best you can. This can be difficult in an apartment, but there is space, albeit not as much as you might like. You can hide food:
So you see, even though you may not have as much space as someone who owns their own home, you do have space available. The trick is looking with different eyes, to see space that most people wouldn’t see. Be creative and make the best of what you have to work with.
If you can’t find enough space in your apartment, you might want to consider renting a small storage space somewhere within walking distance of your apartment, just to store food in. The nice thing about a space like that, is that you can stack it to the rafters. You don’t need to worry about ease of access or nosy neighbors wondering about the stack of boxes in the corner.
One of the biggest problems that apartment dwellers face though is water. If the water goes out, you have very limited sources that you can use. Not only that, but there will be a lot of other people who want to use that same water; some of whom will fight you for it.
The most common thing that people recommend for water storage is to fill one-gallon milk jugs with water and store them under a bed. If you put a few drops of bleach in them (no more than 8), it will help prevent anything from growing in your water. Be sure to clean the jugs out well first, so that you don’t end up with any milk spoiling in them.
A flexible emergency water storage pod, which fits in your bathtub, is a great way to store water, if you have time to fill it before the emergency strikes. This would usually require some advance notice or filling it as soon as the emergency strikes, before water pressure is lost.
But one of the best ways of storing a fairly large quantity of water in an apartment is waterbeds. A queen size waterbed will hold about 200 gallons. If you live in a ground-floor apartment or live in a high-rise with cement floors, your landlord will probably allow you to have a waterbed. Those 200 gallons of water will weigh about 45 pounds per square foot, which might be a bit much on an upper floor of an apartment building that doesn’t have cement floors.
So, there are a few ideas to get you started. I’ll get back to you next week with some more. Until then, keep your powder dry and your survival equipment close at hand.
Dr. Rich
Also, you can get ‘prepped in one trip’ with this.
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