Online Stalker Tracks Woman’s Every Move

Chris Peterson here with your Patriot Privacy Alert.

I found this video that tells the story of a middle age gal that decided to give online dating a try.  You can imagine since I’m telling you about it it did not end well.

The stalker managed to load spying software and keystroke recorders onto her computer.  That allowed him to follow her every movement, know who she was meeting, and harass her at every opportunity.

Although the article doesn’t make it clear, its likely that the perp sent her some files that contained a virus.  He might have hidden it in a group of pictures that he sent her or in an email attachment.  The virus then allowed him to spy on her computer.

The lesson here is that online dating can be dangerous.  The most obvious solution is to not do it.  Try to find dating partners at church or through friends and coworkers.  If that doesn’t work and you have to try online dating, then be very careful what you share.

Check the person out at every opportunity.  Do a background check on them at a reputable company like this one.  Never accept an email attachment and make sure your computer’s virus software is up to date.  Have a friend follow you to your first date and make it in a wide open public place.  Also consider using an alias for your online dating profile.

Looking out for you….

Chris Peterson

PS:  These background checks are good for a lot of different uses whether you are hiring someone, wanted to check out your niece’s new boyfriend, or just curious about a neighbor.

PPS: If know what you’re thinking.  What’s to stop someone from checking ME out?  Check out chapters 9 and 10 of the Patriot Privacy Kit for ways to opt out of these databases.

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